Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Hunger Games

Maybe I have missed something, after viewing “The Hunger Games”, this blockbuster has left me hungry for a better script and protagonist.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A Return Trip

Ok, so I land in Tucson, 20 hours after leaving London. So much for the 8 hour plane ride across the Atlantic.  There was a medical emergency aboard the plane. The plane was diverted to Newfoundland to unload the elderly patient, who apparently drank and ate too much, before departing Heathrow airport. With my late arrival in Dallas, Texas I had to rush through customs for my transferee to Tucson. 

The brilliance of Homeland Security subjects you to rescanning your luggage when you transferee to another domestic flight. As usual, I unpack my computer, shoes, pens and wrist watch into the x-ray bin. Repack my belongings and board my plane to Tucson. I arrive home 20 hours later, GMT-8 Monday night, drop my stuff off and head off to slumber land. I shuffle to work blurry eyed with my luggage strewn across the bedroom floor. 

Wednesday evening I decide to check my email and do some billing. I crack open my Mac Book Pro, boot it up and discover the desktop does not look familiar. I discover with complete astonishment, that my desktop is festooned with Buddhists symbols and Tantric diagrams. What the heck? How could my desktop change? And why is Tara's logged into my computer. Must be some computer glitch. I restart the computer and the Hindu tantric poses pops up again.  I can’t believe what I am seeing. I’ll check the NBC yellow sticker on the back side. I flip over the computer, no yellow sticker with number 1497. How could this have happened? I never let my computer out of my sight. 

How could my computer turn into a shrine for East Indian religions?  I do the unthinkable; I look through Tara's  email, searching for a phone number or email address. I find a message on her desktop, directions to the Albuquerque German Embassy. Oh great my computer is held captive by some new age German fraulein  trying to find her-self on a diplomatic mission in the desert hills of  New Mexico. 

But on the plane, I remember seeing a rather tall Teutonic woman, with a detached demeanor in the aisles of our Boeing 777. Could she be a German searching for inner harmony, who has somehow obtained my brand new Mac Book Pro, with countless photography’s of the secret NBC vendor maintenance shop in London?  This must be conspiracy, orchestrated by ZDF, searching for my patented techniques in desktop MAM training methods.

 I contact the German Embassy in New Mexico. I ask, do they know a Tara ? With German Blitzkrieg efficiency, the German authorities furnish Tara’s phone number and email address. I call the phone number in Santa, Fe New Mexico, the spiritual vortex of the Southwest. “Hi, my name is Henry Rubin and I have your computer”, “Henry Rubin, we have been trying to find you for days, we have your computer"…It seems during the late night airport security check in Dallas, one of us grabbed the wrong Mac Book Pro coming out of the x-ray machine, and without hesitation continued on our late night journey, with the wrong computer. Both computers are now with their rightful owners…