Monday, February 15, 2010

Recording every 15 minutes

How could anyone want to write something down every 15 minutes. Is that what life is about, the written word. What happened to real experiences? To life itself.
The smell of something cooking. The laughter in the kitchen. The smile of a friend.
The science is getting ahead of the actions. Art is crowding the experience.


It's the words. The data, the words academics use to communicate. The verbs and nouns "they “use
are not same as the professionals. The gap grows and grows. After Shannon's rapid fire lecture, what mere student would be able to digest such mounds of information in such a short period of time.
The information was great, inspiring, creative, well thought, but really how useful in every day media life. How useful in every day media communication? How useful in media creation?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Working in Vancouver

This is day three at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver B.C. I am working for NBC Olympics as an edit supervisor. I really do not have the time to "blog", but may be just maybe I can write down a few simple words.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Post

This is a new post from Vancouver, BC

Friday, February 5, 2010